Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Women and Hair Loss: What You Should Know

Although many people think of hair thinning as a male problem, the truth is that an estimated 25 percent of women experience some type of hair growth problems during their lifetimes.

Women dealing with thinning or balding hair often experience diminished confidence in their appearance as well as anxiety as to why the problem is occurring.

There are a variety of reasons why women lose hair, and determining the problem is the first step towards successfully treating it. Let's take a look at some of the most common causes of female balding:

Causes of Hair Growth Problems in Women

Genetics is one of the most common causes of thinning hair in women. If a woman's mother and/or grandmother experienced thinning or balding, there is a possibility she will as well.

The most common form of hereditary hair loss in women is female pattern baldness, which as its name suggests means the balding follows a predictable pattern. Then there's telogen effluvium, a condition in which the natural growth and loss cycle is disrupted due to severe physical or emotional stress or hormonal imbalance.

The postpartum period is a perfect example of this kind of hair loss. Other causes of hair loss in women include nutritional deficiencies and certain medical conditions.

Treatment Options to Consider

There are various ways to treat female pattern baldness. For hair thinning due to poor diet or a medical condition, treating the problem at its source is the key. But for genetic hair loss, the problem is a bit trickier.

Many women use topical monoxodil products such as Rogaine. Rogaine comes in two strengths and is available over the counter at your local drugstore or supermarket. It may take several months for noticeable results to occur, and the application of the Rogaine must be continued indefinitely for results to continue.

In addition to or instead of Rogaine, some women try massaging the scalp with essential oils to stimulate growth. You can blend your own combination of rejuvenating oils in a carrier oil such as jojoba, or purchase a ready-made blend specifically designed for hair loss.

A daily massage before or after shampooing can be soothing and might even help speed regrowth. Whether you choose Rogaine, oil massage or both, you will need to be patient while waiting for results.

While You're Waiting for Regrowth

To improve the appearance of your hair and help you feel more confident, try using one of the clever concealment products on the market today.

There are a variety of powders and creams which are applied to the scalp to give the illusion of thicker hair. Today's products are much improved over those used in the past.

Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org

Hair Loss Solutions For Women That Really Work

Hair loss solutions for women are out there. When most people think of hair loss, then think of men. Female balding occurs in women more often then we would like. The good news is this: it's easier to find a solution for women then for men as womens' conditions are usually temporary and can be improved.

The causes of hair loss in women:

There are a few reasons why women face female balding. It's important you identify the reason of your hair loss before beginning any treatment.

Some common reasons for female hair loss are:

- Androgenetic alopecia: This is the hereditary form of baldness which usually affects 50% of men and some women after the age of 40.

- Hormonal changes: Hair thinning occurs sometimes in women after menopause when they experience hormonal changes.

- Pregnancy: During pregnancy hair loss may occur because the body's metabolism is stressed with the pregnancy, while feeding the baby at the same time and trying to balance the mother's body. Sometimes during pregnancy women are faced with other deficiencies such as calcium for the same reason. Pregnancy during hair loss will pass the month after the baby is born.

- Stress: This is a very popular cause of hair loss in women and men. It can be delayed as much as three months after you were faced with a stressful period. Physical and emotional stress always take a toll on your body and often show physical signs in your hair, nails, teeth and skin glow.

- Diets: Some women undertake crash diets in order to achieve a desired look. Nutrition greatly effects your hair growth.

Individuals who undergo a crash diet can experience a variety of undesirable results such as a loss of the natural glow in their skin, their nails can become very britle and they can notice signs of thinning in their hair as well.

On a positive note, aside from hereditary baldness, all of the above conditions can be treated. Hereditary baldness, however, can only be treated through hair transplant and/or wigs.

Treatments for hair thinning or hair loss

- Hair tonic: There are many products available on the market today with some applicable in the shower and some you leave in your hair after a shower. They are very beneficial should you follow the full treatment religiously.

- Hair mask: The mask acts similar to the tonic but hair masks must be washed out. A mask conditions and nourishes your hair from the root to the tip of the hair folicle. Use hair masks before every shower or as indicated on the package.

- Drugs: If you'd rather not bother with hair applications, specific drugs are available in the pharmacy that target both hair and nails. They too are very effective if a proper treatment if observed. Taking care of your diet as well as balancing your stress levels is the key to great hair and lively health. Eat healthy and exercise to improve your body's nutrition and general well being.

Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org

Ways to Prevent Hair Loss

Baldness is a distressing problem for many men and women. While not every case of premature baldness can be prevented, it is possible for some people to avoid losing their hair. Here are five ways you can potentially prevent hair growth problems:

#1 Know Your Family History

It's important to understand your family history regarding premature balding. Many cases of hair growth problems are genetic, which means there is little you can do to stop your hair from falling out. What you can do is be on the lookout for the first signs, and head to your dermatologist for treatment options as soon as possible.

The sooner you begin treatment, the better. You might not be able to reverse your genetics, but you can reduce the severity of your premature baldness by giving the problem prompt attention.

#2 Avoid Stress

Stress is a leading factor for non-genetic baldness in both men and women. When people are under severe physical or emotional stress, their hair often falls out at an accelerated rate. Therefore, make an effort to reduce stress in your life.

This might be by meditating, exercising, or simply cutting back on your work schedule and taking more time for yourself.

#3 Eat a Healthy Diet

Diet can play an important role in hair health. If your body is deficient in certain vitamins or minerals, it can lead to hair growth problems.

This is why many anorexics experience hair loss in patchy clumps. You don't have to be anorexic to be deficient in vitamins, however. Even healthy eaters may not get the right amount of nutrients. That's why it's a good idea to take a daily multivitamin to make up for any diet deficiencies.

#4 Avoid Harsh Chemicals

It's a common practice for women (and even some men) to color their hair and use harsh treatments like permanent waves and relaxers. Many types of hair color, perms and relaxers are made with harsh chemicals which can damage the hair and lead to breakage and loss.

If enough hair breaks off close to the root, it can lead to serious thinning and balding. So to avoid this type of premature balding, limit your use of these products or avoid them altogether. If your hair is already damaged, hot oil treatments and deep conditioners can help.

#5 Keep Your Hormones Balanced

Women are especially susceptible to hormonal hair loss. The best example of this type of hair loss is that which occurs following pregnancy. Menopause and perimenopause may also lead to balding problems in some women.

Make sure you are getting annual checkups and having your thyroid checked at each visit. Keeping your hormones in proper balance, at least for women, can help prevent unnecessary hair loss.

Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org

Check out Scalp Med and the rest of the natural hair loss treatments at hairlosshaven.com

The Case for Permanent Hair Transplant

Permanent hair transplant involves the removal of the hair-bearing portion of the scalp surgically and its relocation to an area of absent or thinning hair. This option has become very popular in recent years as an alternative to medications and other hair loss solutions.

The entire permanent hair transplant procedure comprised of three phases, namely the pre-operative preparation, the surgery and the post operative care. Pre-operative preparation involves a consultation where the surgeon analyzes the patient's scalp. He maps out a treatment plan with the patient, discusses the patient's preferences and expectations and recommends the best approach, while at the same time, explaining what can be expected after the operation. Days prior to surgery, the patient is instructed to refrain from using any medicines and from taking alcohol. He or she is also prescribed antibiotics to prevent infections.

The actual transplant is conducted in an outpatient setting with mild sedation and topical anesthesia. The procedure lasts for about four hours after which, the scalp is shampooed. Treatment with an antibacterial prior to the donor scalp being harvested is given. A skin from the posterior scalp in an area of good hair growth is excised. While the surgeon is treating the wound where the skin was taken, his assistants will begin to dissect individual follicular unit grafts from the strip. Extra care is taken to remove excess fibrous and fatty tissue without causing damage to the follicular cells that will produce the patient's first crop of new hair. After the dissection, the surgeon will then puncture the sites for the receiving grafts, implanting them in a predetermined density and pattern angling the wounds in a consistent pattern to promote a realistic hair pattern. Assistants usually finish the procedure by inserting the individual grafts in place. At the most, surgeons can place 50 grafts per square centimeter. Prolonged surgery involves the implantation of over 2,500 to 3,000 grafts in one session.

Certain advances in post-operative care allow for semi-permeable dressings for quicker seepage of blood and tissue fluid. Wounds should be dressed at least once a day. The patient is advised to keep away from the sun and to prevent shampooing the hair for about a week. For ten days after the surgery, almost all of the transplanted hairs will fall out as a reaction to their relocation. New hair will begin to emerge from the moved follicles after two to three months.

The patient's hair will grow normally and will continue to thicken thorough the ensuing six to nine months. Subsequent hair loss will probably occur in untreated areas and patients can either use medications to retard such loss or schedule a subsequent permanent hair transplant procedure sometime in the future.

Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org

Not All Hair Loss Means Hair Problems - Understand The Cycle Of Hair Growth First...

Hair grows in recurring cycles, with each cycle composed of three phases - anagen, catagen and telogen. The anagen phase is also referred to as the growth phase. About 85 to 90% of all the hairs in our heads are in this phase at one time. This part of the growth cycle lasts from 2 to 6 years and can continue for up to 8 years.

Once the hair reaches its maximum length in the anagen phase, the catagen phase of the growth cycle begins. This is a short phase, lasting only about 1 to 2 weeks. The catagen phase is also referred to as the transitional phase, when the cycle reaches the regressive stage and hair growth slows down. The follicle shrinks in size and the base begins to break down.

The telogen phase of the growth cycle is also known as the resting phase, when growth stops completely. This is the part where the follicle becomes degraded. This cycle lasts for about 6 weeks. Some hair may fall out but some stay in the follicle. Near the end of the telogen phase, new hair begins to form and grow. If the old hair is still attached, it is forced out and falls off the head. About 10% of our hair are in the telogen phase.

Hair growth cycle and hair loss

To understand hair loss, it is important that we know the nature of the cycle of hair growth. It is normal for people to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day. When this happens, you are probably in the telogen phase. You'll probably find these lost strands in your brush, comb or on your shower floor. This is normal and there is no need to worry because they will be replaced by new growth.

It is only when you're losing more and are noticing rapid thinning that you should be concerned. These are signs that your hair growth is not fast enough to replace lost strands and there is a possibility that your normal hair cycle has been disrupted.

Hair grows from the follicles which are found in the top layer (epidermis) of the skin. It is made of keratin, a form of protein, the same component of the epidermis, fingernails and toe nails. At the base of the follicles, a papilla is found, which is made of blood vessels and nerves. These ensure that the growth cycle runs uninterrupted.

Factors that can affect hair growth

Barring any obstacle, the hair growth cycle will continue unabated. It is only when some factors are applied that the cycle is disrupted or stopped. These factors can lead to temporary hair loss. Or if not, they can cause alopecia, which is more permanent. These can include hormones, nutritional deficiencies, diseases of the thyroid gland, chemotherapy and radiation. The cycle may also be affected by skin diseases of the scalp, trauma or stress.

Certain drugs can also disrupt normal growth, including anti-depressants, hypertension drugs, retinoids and birth control pills. The birth of a baby may also contribute to hair loss, along with diseases such as lupus, diabetes and HIV/AIDS. Men and women with eating disorders or undergoing severe dieting are also susceptible to this condition.

It is interesting to note that hair growth is not indicated in the human embryo in its initial stages. Hair growth only becomes apparent when hair follicles begin to appear in the early stages of the embryo's development, before it assumes a human form in the mother's womb. Evidence of hair growth begins to appear when the fetus is approximately 9 weeks old. By 9 months, the human fetus already has every hair follicle he/she will ever have.

Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org

Turn Hair Loss Into Healthy Hair Naturally

One study that was done in Australia showed the prevalence of mid-frontal hair loss increases as people age and affects 57% of women and 73.5% of men aged 80 years and over. The normal cycle of typical hair growth lasts from two to six years. A bit of trivia- the word bald derives from the English word balde, which means white or pale, or the Celtic word - ball, which means a white patch or blaze, as on a horse's head.

Some fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss in children which is easily treated with anti-fungal medicines. In the past it was believed that baldness was inherited from the maternal grandfather; while there is some basis for this belief, both parents contribute to their offspring's likelihood of hair loss. Since hair loss may be an early sign of a disease, it is important to find the cause so it can be treated properly and fast.

Hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease, like lupus or diabetes and hypothyroidism can cause hair loss, especially thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows. Traumas due to chemotherapy, childbirth, major surgery, poisoning, and severe stress may cause a condition known as telogen effluvium.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder also known as "spot baldness" that can result in hair loss ranging from just one area on the body to every hair on the entire body. If a medicine is causing your loss, your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine or you may find you really don't need the medicine after all. Poor digestion, parasites and nutrient deficiencies like an iron or biotin deficiency shouldn't be overlooked as possible causes.

Minoxidil is a drug that is used daily to prevent hair loss but may create heart problems; the hair it grows is very fine, only on the top of the head and may fall out again soon after the drug is discontinued. There are hundreds of hair loss products on the market today used as remedies and treatments. There are many natural home remedies and all sorts of recipes for making mixtures to apply topically to the scalp.

Surgery is another method of reversing hair loss and baldness, although it is considered an extreme measure. Topical application of Ketoconazole, which is both an anti-fungal and a potent 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, is often used as a supplement to other medical approaches. Minoxidil is available without a prescription and is for topical application only, but one needs to consider the side effects.

Products for hair loss include: shampoos, shampoos with conditioners, conditioners, lotions, creams, concealers, thinning hair shampoos, laser combs, laser brushes, the Lasertron Hair Growth Brush, herbal-based products, chemical- based pills or tablets, Nizoral shampoo, Neutrogena T-Gel, and many others. Studies done on subjects of various adult ages suggests that weight training alone may increase testosterone in studies where aerobic exercise only was compared to either weight training or a moderately sedentary life. Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil (Rogaine in the U.S and elsewhere as Regaine) are drugs that have reported having shown some success in partially reversing loss but one needs to consider the negative side effects and long term usage.

Massage the scalp nightly with an oil mixture made of one part rosemary oil and two parts almond oil. Make sure to test all remedies on a small area first and check with your doctor or skin doctor before trying any natural home remedy if it includes any irritating ingredients. You can try lying on a slant board with head down for 15 minutes a day, but clear it with your doctor first.

The Russian cure with honey and vodka remedy - combine one tablespoon honey with one jigger of vodka and the juice of a medium-size onion; rub mixture into the scalp every night, cover with a cap and shampoo in the morning. Polygonum Multiflorum is a traditional Chinese cure for hair loss; whether the plant itself is useful, the general safety and quality control of herbs imported from China can be very questionable these days. Vodka and cayenne remedy for hair loss - mix one jigger of vodka with a 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper (test on skin first for sensitivity) and rub it on the scalp; blood rushes to the hair follicles stimulated by the vodka and cayenne pepper - but be careful if you try it.

The olive oil and rosemary remedy for hair loss - use equal amounts of olive oil and oil of rosemary; combine them in a bottle, shake vigorously, massage into the scalp, put on a cap, go to bed and shampoo in the morning. The raw onion remedy - take half a raw onion and massage the scalp with it; cover the head overnight, shampoo and rinse in the morning. Resveratrol, from the skin of grapes, is a lipase inhibitor and by decreasing the body's ability to absorb fat through the intestine walls, it reduces the total fat and calorie content of a person's diet.

Circulation to the scalp is of utmost importance. Saw Palmetto is an herbal DHT inhibitor often claimed to be cheaper and have far fewer side effects than finasteride and dutasteride; unlike other 5alpha-reductase inhibitors, saw palmetto induces its effects without interfering with the cellular capacity to secrete protein specific antigen (PSA). Apple cider vinegar used as a hair rinse may also stimulate hair growth.

Keep in mind that hair loss should be continually treated, preferably naturally however, even after the loss stops. Sometimes it will indicate a disease or condition that hadn't been recognized or diagnosed before. If you experience any form of hair loss that causes you concern, make an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist to discuss the treatment options available to you for your particular condition.

Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org

Natural And Unusual Balding Remedies

As with other folk remedies, balding remedies have been passed down through families from generation to generation. And quite often they use items that you probably have in your pantry. Some of these remedies may seem strange or unusual, but many people believe that these remedies truly do work.

What is even more striking is that some of these remedies truly do work on some people. These remedies have been passed down because they get results. So take a look at these old home balding remedies. At the very least they will intrigue and entertain you. At the most, they just may cure your baldness.

Eating hijiki seaweed and wakeme is used as a preventative measure to protect against baldness. Other remedies call for boiling a cup of mustard oil with four tablespoons of henna leaves to create a liquid solution. This solution is to be massaged into the balding areas each day.

Other cultures instructed hair loss victims to rub a fresh onion on the bald area until the skin of the scalp becomes red. At that time you were to apply honey to the red area. Another of the popular balding remedies is to massage coconut milk into the scalp in the area that is balding.

Copper, insitol, vitamin B complex, vitamin C and vitamin E are all said to promote hair growth. All of these should be taken as supplements.

Another remedy calls for shampooing with yarrow herb tea. It is said that this tea opens the pores and stimulates hair growth. It seems that all of these remedies contained in this paragraph could be used together. Maybe they would elicit some type of results.

A topical balding remedy requires creating a paste from equal amounts of lime seeds and ground black pepper. You are to apply this directly to the scalp on the bald areas. Yet another remedy that seems as if it could be used with the other remedies is to wash your hair with cold water and rub your scalp briskly with your fingertips.

Yarrow herb tea makes another appearance in our exploration of folk balding remedies. This one says that you should drink if. Another remedy tells you how to make your own hair tonic from boiling dry amia in coconut oil. You then apply it to the bald areas. Olive oil applied to the bald areas and left overnight is another popular remedy. Taking sage is also believed to promote hair growth.

A European folk remedy is to use black rootabega. This very popular remedy is said to have a very good success rate. A paste, or "moosh" is created by shredding the rootabega with the skin on. Do not drain the juice. Put the "moosh" with the juice on the affected area for about twenty minutes every two days or do. It is said to have a rather unpleasant odor, but is highly effective. Looking back through these folk balding remedies, though, mashed up rootabega can't smell any worse that rubbing an onion on your head.

Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org